Labels:text | screenshot | black | font | black and white | document OCR: riety of disorders Androgens have been tried f ladism, in the that are unassociated with hy he nonvirilising hope that potential benefits f gen retention, ould outweigh actions (such as an increase i muscle mass, and haemoglol s. The most any deleterious actions of the androgen have balance in common non replacement u by athletes in been attempts to improve ni catabolic states; self-administ athletic the belief that muscle mass a empts to enhance as, including the performance will be improve therapy in erythropoiesis in refractory a ent of hereditary anaemia of renal failure; adj d of growth carcinoma of the breast; and Most expectations angioedema and endometrio rs have been retardation of various aetiol of beneficial effects in these d illusory,